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Crosstrek Safety Feature

Intelligent Subaru EyeSight® Driver Assist

Subaru's latest generation EyeSight® Driver Assist system is standard across the Subaru Crosstrek range and includes enhanced functionality and collision avoidance features. This preventative system uses high-resolution stereo colour cameras, combined with a wide-angle monocular camera, to recognise potential dangers and obstacles within its vision - up to 130 metres ahead (depending on the conditions). The system can help warn the driver to take action, or even automatically intervene. Featuring the latest Subaru EyeSight® camera design, the lens hood sits further forward towards the windscreen on Subaru Crosstrek, for less obstruction to the field of view.

Subaru's Driver Monitoring System*

The Driver Monitoring System (DMS)* in the all-new Subaru Crosstrek constantly monitors the driver's attention, to detect whether their attention is waning or if they are starting to fall to sleep, to help reduce the chance of accidents.

Using near infrared LEDs and a camera, the vigilant DMS watches the driver for signs of fatigue and distraction and can deliver an alert warning to prompt them to refocus on the road ahead.

Crosstrek Safety Feature
Crosstrek Safety Feature

Subaru's Vision Assist is advanced technology that gives you greater awareness of the world around you.

Panoramic 360 Degree View Monitor*

The all-new Subaru Crosstrek features a new wide-angle camera equipped to the driver's side door mirror, in addition to the front, passenger side and rear-view cameras common in Subaru vehicles. This produces a new top-down or birds-eye view of the vehicle and its surroundings, by combining images from all four cameras. While in 'park' position the driver can toggle between eight different viewpoints, at 45 degree increments, around the vehicle to ensure any obstacles are identified before taking off.

Blind Spot Detection

Using radar sensors located in the rear bumper, this feature can alert the driver to vehicles in its blind spot via a warning light displayed on the external rear vision mirror.

Reverse Automatic Braking (RAB)

For a greater peace of mind and safety when reversing, sonar sensors on the rear bumper can detect obstructions and alert the driver if a risk is detected. If the driver doesn't take action or apply the brakes, the RAB system can brake automatically to help avoid or reduce the severity of a collision

Subaru Global Platform

Drive to the beat of your own drum, knowing Subaru Crosstrek delivers a unique level of protection that is underpinned by the Subaru Global Platform, including the ring-shaped passenger safety cell. This safety cell cocoons occupants to absorb and direct the impact of a collision around the cabin, rather than through it. The chassis structure has also been engineered to include crushable zones, absorbing collision energy to better protect passengers. The inclusion of nine SRS airbags, includes two new airbags, the front passenger seat cushion and far side airbag, to help reduce the possibility of serious injury in the event of an accident.

Crosstrek Safety Feature